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By Laws

Northeast Ohio Alumni Chapter of The Delta Chi Fraternity By-laws  


The name of this organization shall be the Northeast Ohio Alumni Chapter of The Delta Chi


Fraternity. Its purpose shall be to continue to provide opportunities for alumni of The Delta Chi Fraternity to experience the friendship and growth that membership in our Order provides.



 A.   Any alumnus member of The Fraternity from any undergraduate chapter shall be eligible for membership in the Alumni Chapter.


 B.   The Northeast Ohio Alumni Chapter of the Delta Chi Fraternity reserves the right to remove any member whose conduct is deemed detrimental to the Alumni Chapter or the Delta Chi Fraternity at large by a majority vote of the Alumni Chapter members present during a meeting with Quorum




The officers of this Alumni Chapter and their duties shall be as follows:


 A.   The “ A” shall serve as the President of the organization and is responsible for overseeing the functions and progress of the chapter, serving as the official spokesperson of the group and representing the chapter at official fraternity events and chair all Chapter meetings.


B.   The “B” shall serve as the Director of Programming: as organizer and responsible for planning and executing all social and philanthropic events.  The “B” will be acting “A” in the absence of the “A”. 


C.    The “C” shall serve as the Secretary of the organization and is responsible for conducting all official correspondence and maintaining all records for the chapter. The “C” or designee will serve as the Chapter’s Social Media, E-mail and Website Manager.


D.   The “D” shall serve as the Treasurer of the organization and is responsible for collecting all dues, filing taxes, and making all necessary expenditures.


E.    The “E” shall serve as the Director of Membership: responsible for active recruiting of new alumni members to join the Chapter. Will work with IHQ to obtain alumni records of alumni in the area or newly moved to the area.


More officer positions may be added as the chapter feels is necessary.


Officers shall be elected to a one year term with being elected during the October Chapter meeting to correspond with the Chapter’s membership year that starts every October 13th.




A.   The “A” will appoint, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board a committee Chairman who will lead each committee.


B.   The standing committees of the chapter shall be as follows:


(1) The membership committee shall be responsible for recruiting new members into the Alumni Chapter. The “E” shall serve as the Chairman of this Committee.


(2) The activities committee shall be responsible for planning and coordinating all activities and meetings of the Alumni Chapter. The “B” shall serve as the Chairman of this Committee. 


(3) The “A” will appoint a Chairman of a standing in the Absence to a Standing Committee Chairman.


C.   Other standing committees may be added as necessary




A.   The Alumni Chapter shall hold meetings at a time and place deemed suitable by the members.




A.    A quorum shall be defined as 30% of the Chapter and virtual membership who are current on their dues and are in good standing. Of the members present 40% of the Chapter Officers must be present to achieve quorum.


B.     Voting can take place in person or electronically when applicable.


(1)   An electronic voting method will be determined by the Chair and a set time frame will be set for each vote. 




A.   Dues shall be set by the members and shall be collected by the treasurer of the Alumni Chapter at the first meeting of each year. 


B.   The current dues per member, per year is:  $35.00 (In-person) and $15.00 (Virtual)


C.   The Chapter’s membership year will be considered October 13th of each year


D.   The Chapter’s Fiscal year will be set as January 1st of each year for tax purposes


            E.   In the event the Chapter is closed by the Delta Chi International Fraternity or the Members vote to the close the Chapter. All outstanding                      accounts payable will be settled using Chapter Funds. All remaining funds will be held in the business checking account for a period no longer                  than 18 months, in case a new Chapter is formed. Upon the reaching the 18 months deadline, the business checking account will be closed and                all remaining funds will be donated to the Delta Chi Educational Foundation in support of Leadership activities (Raymond D. Galbreth Leadership              Fund) and all final IRS filing will be made to close the EIN. An official designee will be determined by a vote of the Alumni Chapter Executive                        Board. 


(1) Designee will be selected by a simple majority of the Alumni Chapter Executive Board.




A.   Prior to the Regional Leadership Academy (RLA) and International Convention the Chapter will vote to determine the delegates from the active roster to attend and represent the Chapter at each of these events.




A.   Any officers may be removed from office for mis-, mal- or nonfeasance in office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Chapter during a regular or special meeting when quorum is present not including the officer(s) in question




A.   These by-laws may be amended by a quorum vote as defined in Article V of these By-Laws. If a question arises, Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the Alumni Chapter’s proceedings 


REV 10/13/2023


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